You bring the story, we bring the research. Together we will find the solution.

QueensBridge Psychology Services is focused on providing evidence-based assessment, diagnostic, and treatment services across central and southern Saskatchewan. Our team of registered doctoral psychologists work with clients to develop a treatment plan that takes into account each clients individual goals and preferences. Interventions are grounded in research and theory, providing a strong foundation for making clinically significant change.

You bring a lifetime of expertise into therapy. You know what has worked for you in the past and what hasn’t, the events and circumstances that have contributed to the problems you are now facing. Effective therapy is the integration of your knowledge with our training and expertise. You bring the story, we bring the research.

QueensBridge Psychology Services brings together registered doctoral psychologists from Regina (Queen City) and Saskatoon (Bridge City). Learn more about our team and the unique services each psychologist has to offer.


Meet the team.

Dr. Shebelski

Saskatoon location

Dr. Shebelski focuses on the assessment and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD and trauma related disorders), anxiety, depression, and obsessive compulsive disorder in adults. Dr. Shebelski is also registered with the SK College of Psychologists to provide neuropsychological assessment…


Dr. Delparte

Regina location

Dr. Delparte focuses on the provision of empirically supported interventions for adults presenting with various mental health concerns including mood and anxiety related disorders, post traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders, and perinatal mental health concerns…


Dr. Mason

Regina Location

Dr. Mason’s practice is focused on the assessment and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and trauma related disorders, anxiety-related disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, perinatal mental health, and health and rehabilitation psychology. She exclusively works with adults…


Dr. Toews

Saskatoon Location

Dr. Toews’ practice focuses on treatment of children and adolescents, ages 6-18, presenting with anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive and related disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and tics and Tourette syndrome. She further offers psychodiagnostic and psychoeducational assessments as well as parent training and support for parents…


Dr. Nichole Faller

Regina Location

Dr. Faller focuses on the assessment and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and trauma related disorders and helping individuals cope with vocational stress. She also provides differential assessments and assessments for Adult Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder…


Dr. Regan Hart

Saskatoon Location

Dr. Hart’s practice focuses on the assessment and treatment for adults presenting with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD and trauma related disorders), anxiety related disorders, depression, substance use disorders, and health and rehabilitation psychological services…


Michelle Paluszek, M.A.

Regina Location

Michelle Paluszek is a Ph.D. student in Clinical Psychology at the University of Regina. She joins the QueensBridge team as a practicum student under the supervision of Dr. Delparte, providing assessment and intervention services for a broad range of mental health concerns…


Michelle Paluszek, B.Sc.

Regina Location

Bethany Sander is a M.Sc. student in Clinical Psychology at the University of Regina. She joins the QueensBridge team as a practicum student under the supervision of Dr. Delparte, providing assessment and intervention services for a broad range of mental health concerns…

Review a list of select publications by our team of psychologists.

Evidence based interventions grounded in solid research.

*Note: K.A. Shebelski previously published under the surname McMillan

Delparte, C. A., Power, H., Gelinas, B. L., Oliver, A. M., Hart, R. D., & Wright, K. D. (In Progress). The Effectiveness of a Pre-Surgical Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Skills Training Group on Eating Pathology and Clinical Impairment 2 Years Post-Bariatric Surgery.

Carl, E., Mason, J. E., Smits, J. A. J., & Asmundson, G. J. G. (2022). Exercise and mental health. In G. J. G. Asmundson (Ed.), Comprehensive Clinical Psychology (2nd ed., pp. 5100–5175). Elsevier.

Hegel, J., Cummings, J.A., Toews, K., Knowles, L.A., Willcott-Benoit, W., Palermo, A.M., & Deleurme, K. A. (2022). Women survivors of adolescent dating violence describe the maintenance of their abusive relationships: First person narratives via YouTube. Violence Against Women. Advance Online Publication

Angehrn, A., Vig, K. D., Mason, J. E., Stelnicki, A. M., Shields, R. E., Asmundson, G. J. G., & Carleton, R. N. (2021). Sex differences in mental disorder symptoms among Canadian police officers: The mediating role of social support, stress, and sleep quality. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 51(1), 3–20.

Toews, K., Cummings, J.A. & Williamson, L. (2021). Warmth, competence and blame: Examining mothers of sexually abused children within the stereotype content model. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36, 5334–5359

Carleton, R. N., Afifi, T. O., Taillieu, T., Turner, S., Mason, J. E., Ricciardelli, R., McCreary, D. R., Vaughan, A., Anderson, G. S., Krakauer, R., Donnelly, E. A., Camp, R. D. II, Groll, D., Cramm, H. A., MacPhee, R. S., & Griffiths, C. T. (2020). Assessing the relative impact of diverse stressors among public safety personnel in Canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (4), 1–25.

Shebelski, K.A., & Asmundson, G.J.G. (2020). Anxiety disorders. In F. Maggino (Ed.) Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research 2nd Ed.  Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. DOI

Thorisdottir, A. S., Mason, J. E., Vig, K. D., & Asmundson, G. J. G. (2020). A multigroup confirmatory factor analysis of the alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT): Comparison between military personnel with and without PTSD. Substance Use and Misuse, 55(8), 1370–1377.

Vig, K.D., Mason, J.E., Carleton, R. N., Asmundson, G. J. G., Anderson, G., & Groll, D. (2020). Mental health and social support among public safety personnel. Occupational Medicine, 70(6), 427–433.

Delparte, C. A., Power, H., Gelinas, B. L., Oliver, A. M., Hart, R. D., & Wright, K. D. (2019). Examination of the Effectiveness of a Brief, Adapted Dialectical Behavior Therapy-Skills Training Group for Bariatric Surgical Candidates. Obesity Surgery, 29 (1), 252-261.

Mason, J. E., Faller, Y. N., LeBouthillier, D. M., & Asmundson, G. J. G. (2019). Exercising with anxiety: A qualitative analysis of the barriers, facilitators, and psychological processes underlying exercise participation for people with anxiety disorders. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 16(1), 128–139.

Mason, J.E., LeBouthillier, D. M., & Asmundson, G. J. G. (2019). Relationships between posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and health-related behaviours. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, 48 (3), 184–199.

Carleton, R. N., Duranceau, S., McMillan, K.A., & Asmundson, G.J.G.  (2018). Trauma, Pain, and Psychological Distress: Attentional Bias and Autonomic Arousal in PTSD and Chronic Pain.  Journal of Psychophysiology, 32, 75-84.

Carleton, R. N., Korol, S., Mason, J. E., Hozempa, K., Anderson, G., Jones, N. A., Dobson, K. S., Szeto, A., & Bailey, S. (2018). A longitudinal assessment of the road to mental readiness among a Canadian municipal police sample. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 47 (6), 508–528.

Delparte, C.A., Power, H.A., Gelinas, B.L., Oliver, A.M., Hart, R.D., Wright, K.D. (2018). Examination of the Effectiveness of a Brief, Adapted Dialectical Behavior Therapy-Skills Training Group for Bariatric Surgical Candidates. Obesity Surgery, 18.

Faller, Y. N., Wuerch, M. A., Hampton, M. R., Barton, S., Delaney, D., Fraehlich, C., Hungler, K., Juschka, D., Moffitt, P., Zederayko, A. (2018). A web of disheartenment with hope on the horizon: Intimate partner violence in rural and northern communities. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(9-10):4058-4083.

Hadjistavropoulos, H. D., Faller, Y. N., Klatt, A., Nugent, M. N., Dear, B. F., Titov, N. (2018). Patient perspectives on strengths and challenges of therapist-assisted Internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy: Using the patient voice to improve care. Community Mental Health Journal, 54(7), 944-950.

Mason, J. E., Asmundson, G. J. G. (2018). A single bout of either sprint interval training or moderate intensity continuous training reduces anxiety sensitivity: A randomized controlled trial. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 14 (1), 103–112.

McMillan, K.A., Asmundson, G.J.G., & Sareen, J. (2017). Comorbid PTSD and social anxiety disorder: Associations with quality of life and suicide attempts. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 205(9), 732-737.

Toews, K. (2017). Reconciliation as a woman-centered response to intimate partner violence. University of Saskatchewan Undergraduate Research Journal, 3, 1-9.

Bartel, S., Toews, K., Gronhovd, L, & Prime, S. (2017). “Do I know you?": Altering hairstyle affects facial recognition, Visual Cognition, 7, 149-155.

Zorn, K. G., Wuerch, M. A., Faller, N., & Hampton, M. R. (2017). Perspectives on Regional Differences and Intimate Partner Violence in Canada: A Qualitative Examination. Journal of Family Violence, 32(6), 633-644.

McMillan, K.A. & Asmundson, G.J.G. (2016). PTSD, social anxiety disorder, and trauma: An examination of the influence of trauma type on comorbidity using a nationally representative sample. Psychiatry Research, 246, 561-567.

Schneider, L. H., Hadjistavropoulos, H. D., & Faller, Y. N. (2016). Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for depressive symptoms: Therapist behaviours and their relationship to outcome and therapeutic alliance. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 44(6), 625-639

Toews, K., Cummings, J.A., & Zagrodney, J.L. (2016). Mother blame and the just world theory in child sexual abuse cases. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 34, 4661-4686.

Gelinas, B. L., Delparte, C. D., Wright, K. D., & Hart, R. (2015). Problematic eating behaviours among bariatric surgical candidates: A psychometric investigation and factor analytic approach. Eating Behaviours, 16, 34-39.

LeBouthillier, D. M., McMillan, K. A., Thibodeau, M. A., & Asmundson, G. J. G. (2015). Types and number of traumas are associated with suicidal ideation and attempt in PTSD: Findings from a nationally representative sample. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 28, 183-190.

Wright, K. D., Reiser, S. J., & Delparte, C. D. (2015). The relationship between childhood health anxiety, parent health anxiety, and associated constructs. Journal of Health Psychology, 22(5), 617-626.

McMillan, K.A., Sareen, J., & Asmundson, G.J.G. (2014). Social anxiety disorder is associated with PTSD symptom presentation: An exploratory study within a nationally-representative sample. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 27, 602-609.

Delparte, C. A., Wright, K. D., Sharpe, D., Walker, J. R., Feldgaier, S., & Furer, P. (2014). Confirmatory factor analysis of the childhood illness attitude scales. Children's Health Care, 44(4), 322-340.

Asmundson, G.J.G., & McMillan, K.A. (2014). Anxiety disorders. In A.C. Michalos (Ed.) Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research (pp. 197-200).  Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

Reiser, S. J., McMillan, K. A., Wright, K. D., & Asmundson, G. J. G. (2014). Adverse childhood experiences and health anxiety in adulthood. Child Abuse & Neglect, 38(3), 407- 413.

Gelinas, B.L., Delparte, C. A., Hart, R., & Wright, K. D. (2013). Unrealistic weight loss goals and expectations among bariatric surgery candidates: The impact of sex on pre-surgical weight outcomes. Bariatric Nursing and Surgical Patient Care, 8(1), 12-17.

Fetzner, M., McMillan, K.A., & Asmundson, G.J.G. (2012). Similarities in physical disorder prevalence among deployed Canadian Forces veterans with full and subsyndromal PTSD. Depression and Anxiety, 29(11), 958-965.

McMillan, K.A., Asmundson, G.J.G., Zvolensky, M.J., & Carleton, R.N. (2012). Startle response and anxiety sensitivity: Sub-cortical indices of physiologic arousal and fear responding. Emotion, 12(6), 1264-1272.

Afifi, T., McMillan, K.A., Asmundson, G.J.G., Pietrzak, R.H., & Sareen, J. (2011). An examination of the relation between conduct disorder, childhood and adulthood traumatic events, and posttraumatic stress disorder in a nationally-representative sample. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 45(12), 1564-1572.

Fetzner, M., McMillan, K.A., Asmundson, G.J.G., & Sareen, J. (2011). What is the association between traumatic life events and alcohol abuse/dependence in people with and without PTSD? Findings from a nationally-representative sample. Depression and Anxiety, 28(8), 632-638.

 Asmundson, G. J. G., McMillan, K.A., & Carleton, R. N. (2011). Understanding and managing clinically significant pain in patients with an anxiety disorder. Focus: The Journal of Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry, 9(3), 264-272.

Sareen, J., Afifi, T., McMillan, K.A., & Asmundson, G.J.G. (2011). The relationship between income and mental disorders: Findings from a population-based longitudinal study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 68(4), 419-427.

McMillan, K.A., Enns, M., Asmundson, G.J.G., & Sareen, J. (2010). The association between income and distress, mental disorders, and suicidal ideation and attempts: Findings from the Collaborative Psychiatric Epidemiologic Survey. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 71, 1168-1175.

Ong-Tone, L., Paluck, E.C., & Hart-Mitchell, R. (2005). Perioperative use of warfarin and aspirin in cataract surgery by Canadian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery members: survey. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery, 31(5), 991-996.

Hart-Mitchell, R. & Pfeifer, J.E. (2003). From jails to Healing Lodges: Evaluating the impact of correctional environments on offender adaptation. The Canadian Journal of Police & Security Services, 1(2), 95-104.