Queen City

Regina, Saskatchewan

Practicum student therapy sessions are offered at 50% off the standard hourly fee*

* Sessions attended by the supervising psychologist are charged at the full rate. This includes, but is not limited to, the initial appointment and assessment sessions.

Bethany Sander, M.Sc.

Bethany Sander is currently completing her Ph.D. in clinical psychology at the University of Regina. Bethany received previous clinical training during her master's degree at the University of Regina's Psychology Training Clinic, where she led Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) skills training group sessions, conducted individual therapy using DBT and cognitive-behavioural approaches, and assisted with assessments for referrals related to a variety of mental health concerns. Her research focuses on the effect of hormones on mental health during reproductive transitions, especially during the menopause transition. Bethany will be completing an 8-month practicum at QueensBridge Psychology Services starting in the fall of 2023 under the supervision of Dr. Chelsea Delparte, Ph.D., R. D. Psych.


Bethany is currently accepting new clients to start in September 2023.

Please email Bethany at dr.delparte@qbpsychology.ca to inquire about booking an appointment or being added to her waitlist.

Primary areas of focus:

  • Depression

  • Eating disorders

  • PTSD and trauma related disorders

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

  • Anxiety related disorders

  • ADHD

  • Stress management

Practicum Student FAQs

What is a practicum student?

We occasionally take on students who are currently enrolled in a Clinical Psychology doctoral training program to offer them additional clinical training and experience. These students have already completed their Masters Degree in Psychology and a Masters level clinical internship. They operate under the supervision of one of our fully licensed Doctoral Psychologists and are able to offer a range of assessment and intervention services.

Why do people choose to see a practicum student?

Therapy can be expensive and for some individuals the cost may limit their ability to seek services or attend sessions as frequently as they would like. Therapy sessions with practicum students are charged at 50% of the standard hourly fee, with the exception of sessions attended by the supervising psychologist (e.g., initial appointment, testing) for which the full fee is charged. These savings mean that clients are able to access the same high-quality care at a price that is more affordable. Students are also generally easier to book in with as they have more session spots available. Finally, by seeing a practicum student you benefit from getting the opinions of two clinicians; the student you are working with and the doctoral psychologist who provides input on the students work during regular supervision sessions.

What does it mean that a practicum student is supervised?

All of our students practice under the supervision of one of our licensed Doctoral Psychologists which means that their work is monitored or reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure that they are providing excellent care. This may take the form of the supervisor sitting for part of a session, listening to audio recordings of sessions, and/or reviewing written notes/reports. The supervisor is responsible for the work of the student and provides feedback at regular supervision sessions to help inform the students work.

Can I be reimbursed for sessions by my insurer?

Insurance companies differ in their reimbursement policies and some may not provide coverage for students practicing under supervision. If this is a concern for you, we recommend that you contact your insurer prior to booking your first appointment to confirm coverage eligibility.

View our office location.


Visit Us

Units #206 & #213, 2445 Broad Street
Regina, SK S4P 0C7

9:00am – 4:45pm

(306) 501-1009

